Friday, August 7, 2009


Guten Tag everyone!

It's been awhile since I've written a new blog, we've had a couple changes in the house since I last wrote. On Tuesday, we picked up the family's new yellow lab puppy, named Isa (EEEE-zuh). She is so cute and she learns so fast! I wish she'd stay her size forever though, she's going to be huge when she's full grown, so I'm happy I won't be here for that. It's crazy how Graziella has been with the new puppy too. It's like she swallowed a Care Bear grenade and she's been WAY happy with the dog! I haven't even seen her this affectionate with her own kids! I wish they had picked up a new puppy the day I arrived, that would have been nice. The kids really love her too, so it's nice that they have some of their own new entertainment for a while. I'm not sure when the excitement of a new puppy will wear off though. This week has been kind of hectic. Nicholas left last Saturday to spend some time at his Grandmother's house alone, so Charlotte stayed here. She went to her pre-school/day care on Monday and she's stayed home all week because of the new puppy, it's killing me!! I don't know how mothers live without sending their kids to daycare everyday. Seriously. I don't think anyone should have to spend an entire day with a three year old! When I worked at a daycare center I only had to spend 8 hours with them. Here with Charlotte, I only spend about 4 to 5 hours a day with her. It's been miserable this past week. She has been so jealous of the new attention Isa is getting, so she's been extra cranky and moody. Luckily, Nicholas and Oma came back yesterday and now Charlotte is being entertained by her for a couple days.. whew. Now that Gitmo is being closed, our country should think about sending terrorists to daycare centers all day, I think that would be enough torture for anyone.


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