Saturday, April 25, 2009


Hey Everybody!

Spring is finally here in Tubingen, and it's great! There have been daffodils and tulips blooming everywhere, trees are blooming, and we can actually go outside without wearing heavy wool coats! It's really nice to be able to go outside for hours in the afternoon inside of being cooped up in the house. I think it'll get a little warmer within the next couple of months, but thankfully, it won't be as bad as Savannah. The humidity in Savannah is horrible, and I don't miss it.

I have been here for 6 months already! It seems a lot longer, but it has been going by fast. I have a few trips planned out and now that I have something to look forward too, time is slowing down.. funny how that works. I was able to see my friend Beka in Heidelberg for Easter, which was great. Her family lived near us on Fort Monroe in Virginia and they have 3 kids, Jake, Jessie and James (JP). I used to babysit them all the time and it was so nice seeing them again. I was pretty much in love with JP while he was still in the womb and it was crazy to see him grown up. He wasn't even a year old before they left and now he's 5! It was a nice visit, but poor Beka was swamped with emergencies at work, so she was pretty busy. I'm sure I'll make more visits to Heidelberg since it's pretty close. We had fun coloring easter eggs and making these birds nests.
**These are just like the ones I saw on your page Stephanie! I thought it was crazy that we did the same thing!

It's going well here with the family. Everyone is back to work/school now so it's pretty busy. Sven is going back to the U.S. for about a week, I'm kind of jealous! We've been working with Charlotte to get her potty trained and it's going very well! We kind of just force her to wear the panties now, she doesn't havw the option of wearing a diaper during the day anymore. She only wears them at night, which is great. She does a good job with it and she only has a few accidents, but most of them are from accidents on the toilet haha. We had an interesting experience a few weeks ago while on a walk. She was wearing her panties and I made her go to the bathroom before we left, but didn't think about how long we'd be gone, so I didn't put a diaper on her and I didn't bring any wipes, extra panties or a back up diaper. Whoops. We were passing the stables and she told me she had to pee, we were too far from the house for her to hold it, so I had to help her squat and all of that without getting her clothes dirty. We were successful and she didn't hit her clothes! At the time, there were still no leaves on the trees and dead leaves on the ground, so wiping with leaves was out. I pretty much had to shake her a lot! People would drive by and laugh and honk, so I guess it was pretty funny to see this frantic lady shaking a half-naked 3 year old around. I know to prepare for next time at least!

I started working out at a new gym, which is nice but really crowded! I am so very thankful for my ipod too! I wouldn't make it there at the gym if I had to listen to the techno the entire time I was there. I don't understand why Germans LOVE techno so much. It's like in their blood.

Well this is all I have for now, I'll try to update more. Have a great weekend everyone



The Welborn Family said...

I LOVE the spring pictures. They are so beautiful! That's so crazy we made the same candies too! They were so easy, it was silly not to try them. :) You aren't the only one that is glad that the kids can play outside now! Thank goodness for the warmer weather. Glad the potty training is going well. Sorry she isn't a boy, they tend to not need leaves. Ha ha!!!

Prisca: said...

Beautiful pics!!! :)

LEJONEL said...


i found ur blogg searching people blogging in tuebingen,

im aupair here aswell but from sweden although (north ;P )

im sorry but im just way to tired to read all ur text , but when i saw this pic it looks like its takes in Pfrondorf or Lustnau or am i wrong ?

i live in pfrondorf anyhow together with my family and there 2year old son, wish i only speak english to. how much longer are u staying ? i wount leave untill dec.

if u want to u could add me over icq or msn and we could talk some?
or icq nr 403560076

wish u all the best
take care