Monday, March 30, 2009

Tiger Faces and Black Easter Eggs

Hey Everyone!

I'm making an effort to blog more! Last week was the best week I've had in a long, long time! Every day was really great. The weather was beautiful, the kids were happy every day and everyone was just in a good mood! We watched Jurassic Park Friday night, which was awesome. I really loved that movie as a kid (and I still do!). On Saturday, the weather was kind of gross, so we went to a Japanese restaurant for lunch and then came home for a nap. We finally had our time change this weekend, so we're all getting used to it. It's amazing how one hour can make such a huge difference!

I'm starting to get ready for coming home. I still have a little over 6 months, but I guess it's okay to prepare ahead of time. My friend Steve has been helping me search for apartments, well he's actually been doing most of the work haha. It's greatly appreciated though! I'll start the job search in a few months too, so I hope that goes well. I'm worried about keeping a full time job and going to school as well, but I'm sure I'll make it work somehow.

I'm really determined to do all of this without any help from my parents whatsoever. Whenever I talk to them, it seems as though they're just waiting for me to screw up with something and it's really depressing. I know I'm not perfect and made a lot of mistakes at home. I'm not on the path my parents want and my Dad keeps trying to make my decisions for me, or he disapparoves of them when I share my thoughts and ideas with him. The more my parent's divorce progresses, the more ridiculous they both get and I am SO tired of it. I know I'm not the only one and it must be worse for my sisters. It gets old fast and I'm really worried that my relationship with my parents will be even worse over time. I thought that being away from home for a year would help everyone "forgive and forget". My parents, sisters and myself included. I'm still being blamed for a lot that goes on at home, which is funny since I'm not even there. I talked to my Dad a little over a week ago and he said half the problems at home were because of me. It seems like he thinks he does no wrong, well I think he's screwed up the most, so he has no say in it. It's not like he's been around for most of it lthe past few years anyway. I'm not too worried about anyone reading this either, they know how I feel and it's not like they even come here anyway. So, I'll end that little rant :)

Charlotte and I have become really close and I love it! She has finally stopped testing me and I guess she accepts me. Whenever I drop her off at her daycare/pre-school, she always has to run towards me so I pick her up and throw her in the air, and she gives me a HUGE kiss in the cheek and says bye. It's so sweet and I'm happy she feels like she can depend on me when she needs to. Nicholas and I have been getting a long more as well! He talks to me more and it's really nice. He asked how long I was staying and I told him until October, and he got a little sad. I hope I make a good impression on them, so they don't compare me too much with their next au pair haha. I mean, I think things are going well. We have a nice routine set up and we stick to it. I can goof off with them too.

Charlotte is pretty hilarious. I think it's so funny how a 3 year old can come up with the craziest sayings. I can't imagine the thoughts swirling around in her head. At her daycare, they colored easter eggs last week. I was getting everything out of her cubby to take home and I saw this black piece of paper. I glanced at the other cubbies and saw all these cute, colorful easter eggs. Hers was jet black! What kind of demented 3 year old colors an easter egg jet black?! It was pretty hilarious. On Friday, they were having their faces painted when I went to pick her up and all of the girls were made up to look like Princesses. Except for Charlotte. She decided to have a Tiger face like many of the other little boys there. She was growling and crawling all over the place with them. She is so fierce and I think it's hilarious how much she shows it. Okay, so I didn't think her fierceness was so hilarious at first, but now I do. She's a really unique little girl :)

That's about all I have for now. Tomorrow is our last class so I might post a blog with a few pictures! I hope everyone is doing great!



Mike and Tia Fam said...

Those kids are hilarious! I'm glad to hear that you've had such a great week. If you need help figuring stuff out for school please let me know - I'd love to help you figure out whatever you need.

Rosalia said...

Hi Jess,
I'm so envious that you are in Germany for the wonderful spring time. I miss it so much. Are the tulips and daffodils out yet? Colorado spring so far is wind and snow. I'm anxious for summer and backpacking trips.

Please take up Tia's offer to help with school preps. There are lots of crazy things to do to register, etc. You don't have to do it alone.
Are you still interested in architecture?

I'm proud of you for the adult you are becoming. Hang in there with the family issues. Divorce is tough on everyone, but know that your mom and dad love you.

Aunt Rosalia

Sarah said...

Jess! I miss you so much. I am still trying to figure everything out on here.

Charlotte is hysterical. She reminds me a lot of you! The "i'm not going to follow the crowd" type of personality. Maybe that's why you get along so well!

As for the divorce, hang in there. When most people are going through difficult like changes, they blame the people that are closest to them, even if it isn't necessarily their fault. Just hang in there, that's all I can say.

Can't wait to see you in 6 months!