Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Hello Everyone!

I hope all of you are well. I'm doing great here. I've been a nervous wreck all morning! Mainly because of elections. I don't think anyone has been this excited about a Presidential Election, I think it's great that so many young voters are involved in it. I am ready for this to be over though. I'm tired of all the hype, and mostly all the hostility. So many people think that I'm a bad person for being on Team McCain, which makes me mad. I don't think less of anyone for voting Obama/Biden, it's their own choice. I wonder what wil be a bigger upset for me... The Patriots losing the Superbowl, or Obama being President? I hope that it's the Superbowl, but we'll see. One thing I hope doesn't pass today is Proposition 8 in California. I'd say I'm mostly conservative, but I do support Gay Marriage. I have a hard time understanding why people think they don't deserve the rights that everyone else in this country have. Sure, people argue that marriage is between a man and woman, but that's our definition of marriage, I think anyone who is happy and in love should have the fair chance and opportunity to do what they believe is right. Being in love is so wonderful and I couldn't imagine someone denying me the right to marry because I am different. It's just not right. To me, it's almost like before African-Americans had the right to vote. Our country wouldn't let them have the right just because they were different. Same situation here. I was actually upset that I recieved newsletters from the LDS Church about voting yes on Proposition 8. I'm not against the church, but I don't think this was right. I know our church is not the only church doing this, but I do find it hurtful that they go this far to destroy and prevent happiness and equal rights. They said that families would be destroyed and all that.. bullcrap! People said the same thing when women had their rights and began working and being independent and as far as I can tell, we still have families today, so that was also bullcrap.


Unknown said...

I think im kind of both ways right now. i think its interesting and highly upsetting that the church has ALWAYS has a non-partisan stance or at least stayed out of politics on every issue. When women declared rights to their body (AKA abortion) no one spoke out as angrily as they did for Prop. 8 which is think is rediculous. I do not support being gay but i do support the right for everyone to enter into a civil union. Basically, i dont not consider their unity a sacred, religous one (because biblically that is only between a man and woman) but i do support their right TO HAVE RIGHTS and therfore enter into a civil contract binding themselves together in matrimony (if that makes sense at all, it sounded better in my head) anyway- on the other hand id also liek to point out that the church composes TWO PERCENT of california. TWO FREAKING PERCENT. If there was this much opposition and persuasion from two percent of the state then obviously the state isnt ready. Branching off fromt he fact that LDS members compose only two percent, why are Catholics (whose bishops spoke out clearly) and evangelical christains being scorned for their stance as well? Why is it that mormons are in the spotlight? I guess i understand that the state needs a scapegoat and that Gays and Lesbians need a target to blame for this passing, but honestly, if we are all preaching tolerance, why not religious tolernace as well?

sorry for the huge blurb there lol :)

Jess C. said...

yeah, I do get your point, but the church REALLY fought hard to make Prop 8 pass, they encouraged a ton of members to donate their time and money for it, I think they went too far, and it's not the only thing that they have done that bothers me. They only gave African Americans certain privileges and callings in the church not so very long ago either, it's just not right to me. You can be for against being gay, but like you said, rights are rights and everyone has the right to have them.. that's like something from Dr. Seuss or something haha