Monday, February 2, 2009

It's February!!!

Hey Everyone!

It's finally February! It feels like I've been here way longer than a couple of months. I guess I'm working on 4 now. I keep losing track of time. All of my days are the exact same, kind of boring I guess. I have the same schedule everyday besides Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my classes, and on Sunday I have the day off, so I just sleep in and read most of the time. I know it may sound mean, but on Sunday, I don't want to see anyone's face! I just want to be alone, no kids arguing no diapers to change. I even skip dinner because I don't feel like pulling through a conversation, it's kind of sad, but when it's my day off I don't want to deal with anyone.

Happy Groundhog Day, by the way! It's not anything special over here, I actually forgot about it until I scanned the news this morning. We'll have an early Spring.. that's nice! It seems like 2009 is going to be a good year. A lot of nice changes have been taking place and most of them are good changes for the most part. I work out a lot now, especially with extra time on my hands. Losing weight kind of sucks though I can only wear a few items of clothing I brought with me, so I need to suck it up and go shopping eventually blah. I'll just hold out until the Spring. There's no point in buying new clothes when it's about to get warmer.

I went back to the Foreigner's Office today and took my little language test. I'm kind of worried, but not too much. I missed a few questions, but overall I think I did alright. It was a verbal test, a woman just sat with me and asked me basic questions, and I was able to answer most of them. She sent the results and a photocopy of my language course enrollment letter to the Employment Office, so once she hears back from them, she'll give us a call. It's pretty simple and it'll go two ways.

1. I know enough German now to have an official "Au Pair" visa and status
2. I do not know enough German, and I can re-take the test once my course is

I'm hopeful that it's going to be okay!

February seems like a pretty eventful month. There are a few birthdays my cousin's wife is having a baby and there are a few holidays. In the states, I always saw all the Valentine's Day decorations go up as soon as February 1st came around. Here, I have not seen any. The big holiday this month here is very similar to Halloween in the states actually. It's pretty much the same thing. I don't think they go around door to door for candy or anything, but they dress up in scary costumes. The purpose of the holiday is to "chase away Winter." Well.. that's about all I have to share for now. I'll check back in later. Take care everyone
